Sunday, 23 August 2015

The Art of Re-purpose

I hope you all have been having a wonderful week. The weather here in Adelaide is finally starting to take a turn for the better and with it the promise that spring is just around the corner (cue happy dance). With spring almost here, it's time to start thinking about "spring cleaning." Oh who am I kidding? I never think about spring cleaning! But when the weather perks up like this I do get an urge to throw open the windows, crank some music and get my de-cluttering on. I like to have a fresh start after being cooped up all winter and what better way to get said fresh start than...getting rid of stuff! I don't know about you but there's something therapeutic about dropping off a bag or two at the salvos. I also like to go through my belongings and ask myself - how can I utilise this better? I had a couple of eureka moments this past week when I asked myself that exact question.

Ok so first up is a decorative bird cage that I found at Target a few years ago. It is one of those items that I didn't really know what I wanted to use it for but I knew that it would beautify my dressing table in the meantime. So into my trolley it went and has since been living in different areas of my home. I tend to change my mind (a lot) about where I want things to live and how I want to use them. The bird cage was no exception. But now it has a use that I believe that I will stick with.

Drum roll please...

Ta-da! All of my perfumes corralled in one place instead of scattered everywhere. I love it when a plan comes together!

Next up is a plain old magazine holder. They can have many more other uses than simply storing magazines. This week I was trying to come up with a way of organising the items that I need for ironing. Cue the humble old magazine holder.

Here I can store starch, a water jug (not pictured), and a lint roller. The bonus is that I know exactly where they are without hurting my eyes with their ugliness.

And there you have it, my two eureka moments of the week. I love me a good re-purpose and would love to hear your stories on how you've found a new use for something. You can either leave a comment below or drop me an email at

Have a lovely week!

xoxo Bianca

Sunday, 16 August 2015

All about Bianca

Hi y'all. Did I really just write that? I'm not American (although sometimes I wish that I could live over there so I can have unlimited access to Peanut Butter M&Ms) I'm actually an Aussie mum of two gorgeous little munchkins, (yes I am bias) Chloe and Harley. Also, in case you can't tell, I'm a chocoholic - although I much prefer the term Chocolate Connoisseur, it sounds much more fancy (I say this as I'm sitting here writing and wearing my trackie-dacks). I escape my very rewarding job as a part-time single mum (my husband's work is FIFO) working at my local supermarket a few days a week and I love it! Most people I meet are surprised by this but it allows me to have adult-conversations (or gossip sessions) which helps to keep me sane.  Plus my employer is quite flexible and generous when it comes to working hours and family time - family comes first!

My home is under renovation and (as a lover of beautiful and organised things) I'm frustrated that things in that department are not moving as quickly as I would like.  I've become aware that I spend way too much time on Pinterest looking for quick-fix ways to better organise and beautify my surroundings as a way of dealing with the construction eye-sore that is my home. If I'm not doing that you may find me at Target, or Kmart ooh-ing and ahh-ing over all their organising lovelies and knick knack type things that serve no real purpose except to look pretty. Many of these items end up in my shopping trolley and ultimately come home with me. Unfortunately this activity isn't very wallet-friendly and I soon become consumed with guilt. When I've had enough of that I like to rearrange furniture or reorganise all the cupboards in my house to make day to day life easier. My husband thinks that this is a sport for me and when he comes home from work usually has to play guess where Bianca has moved the coffee cups now. It frustrates him to no end. I suppose I'm lucky that he loves me and puts up with "my sport" but then again, I put up with his quirks love him too.

I've decided to start this blog to create a happy place filled with all of my favourite things and a place to brain dump all the crazy projects that I decide to start and more importantly to hold myself accountable to finish them.

So bear with me on this journey, I really have no idea what I'm doing but I aim to get there some day. In the meantime, I'm off to celebrate finishing my first post with some dancing to MJ in the kitchen with my daughter.

xoxo Bianca